– A Madcap Widow (1980), also known as Una Viuda Descocada, is a quirky Argentine comedy-drama film directed by Armando Bó and starring the iconic Isabel Sarli. This film, released towards the end of Bó’s prolific career, is a departure from his typical erotic dramas, offering a lighter and more humorous take on love, wealth, and social status.   

A Plot Twisted with Irony

The film centers around Flor Tetis Soutien de Gambeta, a wealthy and eccentric widow who has a penchant for marrying and then mysteriously losing her husbands. As she finds herself on the brink of financial ruin, she sets her sights on a young, impoverished newsboy named Pepe. Initially, she views him as a mere pawn in her scheme to regain her fortune. However, as their relationship develops, she begins to experience genuine feelings of love and affection.   

A Satirical Look at Society

A Madcap Widow is not just a romantic comedy; it also serves as a satirical commentary on societal norms and expectations. The film pokes fun at the superficiality of wealth and status, as well as the often absurd lengths people go to in pursuit of love and money. Through its quirky characters and absurd plot twists, the film offers a humorous critique of the human condition.

The Enduring Legacy of Isabel Sarli

Isabel Sarli, the leading lady of A Madcap Widow, is a legendary figure in Argentine cinema. Her portrayal of Flor Tetis Soutien de Gambeta is a testament to her versatility as an actress. Sarli’s ability to effortlessly transition between dramatic and comedic roles solidified her status as one of the most iconic figures in Argentine film history.   

A Whimsical Farewell

A Madcap Widow marked the end of Armando Bó’s illustrious career as a filmmaker. While it may not be as explicit or controversial as his earlier works, the film still retains the director’s signature style and sense of humor. It is a fitting conclusion to a career that has left an enduring legacy on Argentine cinema.


A Madcap Widow is a delightful and entertaining film that offers a refreshing departure from the typical romantic comedies of its time. Its quirky characters, humorous plot, and social commentary make it a timeless classic. While it may not be as well-known as some of Bó’s other films, it is a hidden gem that deserves to be rediscovered.